SPA Group is a debt free, financially sound, sustainable and futuristic business conglomerate with a presence in real estate, liquid warehousing, agriculture marketing, energy storage, green technology and horticulture.

Our legacy as an organisation can be traced back to our ancestors Sewnarayan and Khubchand, who started our family’s 80 year old journey into the world of crafting impeccable products and services for you. Now, as the fourth generation of the profiled Kajaria family, we continue to respect our origins and roots that were first sown in Alipore, Kolkata while pursuing business growth that will benefit the next several generations.

Our philosophy is built on the belief that you matter. With a consumer-centric approach and a foundation of transparent ethics, Sushil Kajaria, our Chairman, formalized the family's ventures into SPA Group in 1972—named after Sushil, Prashant, and Amit Kajaria—elevating the business to new heights.

What started off as a business of mini steel plant and coal mine trading diversified into liquid warehousing in 1972 after taking over a terminal from Burmah Shell. Today, Prashant Kajaria and Amit Kajaria are celebrating the fifth decade of not only being the largest liquid warehousing company in Eastern India with a capacity of 1,40,000 KL but also of crafting exquisite, and sustainable residential and commercial buildings in Kolkata like the iconic, environmentally-friendly building Surya Kiran.

The next transformative journey for SPA Group began when Prashant decided to take his deep-rooted passion for nature and turn it into a profitable venture for the business. He decided to open the group’s first Bengaluru office with the intention of diversifying the group’s activities. At the mere age of 21, he founded SPA Agro, one of India’s first 100% EOU floriculture ventures in 1993. Under his leadership, SPA Agro grew into one of the largest floriculture companies in the country.

With his move to the fast-growing cosmopolitan city, the group’s horticulture and floriculture divisions were kickstarted and eventually, our love for nature converged the group’s two passionate arms of real estate and horticulture into community and estate-living projects that continue to flourish in the Garden City. We promised that with this union, we would continue to craft environments for you. Today, we are known for our boutique, bespoke, personalized real estate deliverables that go beyond cookie-cutter homes.

We continually work to deliver the highest quality products and services in the market. We take our responsibility in influencing the world market earnestly and so our commitment to building sustainable infrastructure and environments is unparalleled. At the forefront of all our activities is you. For us, YOU matter.


The intricate craftsmanship of 8 decades woven with the openness of the future generations is what is symbolised in the logo. It also creates a sense of the environments and infrastructure we will build for generations to enjoy with a never-ending loop of innovation.
The green colour of our logo was carefully selected as it symbolized growth, optimism, and tranquility. Green also has an inherent connection with nature, the environment, and the entire ethos of what our group stands for, making it an instinctive choice for our core group colour.
Our logo is a symbolic enunciation of the initials in Sushil, Prashant, Amit forming SPA. This logo is a tribute to the torchbearers of our legacy Sushil, Prashant and Amit paving the way forward for the future generations to innovate with an open mind.

Lake serenity
Artifical Lake

Creating luxury environments and building sustainable infrastructure for generations to enjoy.

In every piece we craft, we will always deliver more than what we promised “you”, because, yes, “you” matter!

Your journey. Your story. Your style. Your standards. Your comfort. You. Yes, you. For us, it has always been about you. Our philosophy. Our principles. The environments we craft. The touch of personalization we add. The luxury we embed. At the core of every such detail, it has been you. We believe in giving you what you deserve. And you deserve the best. For us, you matter.

You matter. In every single thing we craft for you, we deliver more than we promise. We believe in creating serious and impactful value propositions which match your sensibilities and your requirements. Backed with quality, innovation and sustainability, our prime philosophy of “why exist when you can live” resonates in every decision we make in the endeavour of building infrastructure, environments and products that stand the test of time and quality.


Sushil Kajaria

Sushil Kajaria


Prashant Kajaria

Prashant Kajaria

Managing Director

Amit Kajaria

Amit Kajaria



Creating luxury environments and building sustainable infrastructure for generations to enjoy since 1972.